KASP 사단법인 한국우주기술진흥협회 Korea Association for Space Teachnology Promotion

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01 Current Status of Participation in Space

Participation status by sector

As the number of participating organizations in each field of space industry increases every year, the largest number of organizations participate in the satellite utilization service and equipment field

Industries: Most participate in satellite utilization services and equipment

Research institutes and universities: Participating evenly in all areas of space, including scientific research and satellite utilization

Location Distribution Status of Participating Institutions

Industries: More than half (58%) of all space industries are distributed in the metropolitan area

Research institutes: 76% of all research institutes are distributed in the Chungcheong area (40%) and the metropolitan area (36%)

02 Space activities amount

03 Status of import and export in space sector

Total exports decreased by 503.7 billion won (28.3%p) compared to the previous year, and the decrease in exports is mainly due to the decrease in satellite reception set-top box-related exports in the satellite broadcasting and communication sector.

Total imports were found to have decreased by 206.1 billion won (35.0%p) compared to the previous year, and the decrease in imports was mainly due to the decrease in imports of companies in the satellite broadcasting and communications sector.

Trade balance continues to post surplus since 2013, but declines year-on-year in 2019

Status of import and export by sector
Status of import and export by sector
Space sector Export Import Trade balance(A-B)
Amount(A) Ratio Amount(B) Ratio
Satellite 39,645 3.1 69,684 18.2 -30,039
Launch vehicle 20 0.0 10,254 2.7 -10,234
Ground equipment 4,572 0.4 8,529 2.2 -3.957
Space insurance 0 0.0 0 0.0 0
Satellite utilization 1,230,120 96.5 294,043 76.7 936,077
Scientific research 0 0.0 590 0.2 -590
Space exploration 0 0.0 75 0.0 -75
Total 1,274,357 100.0 383,175 100.0 891,182
Import and export status by country

04 Space Manpower Status

Every year, the number of space workers is steadily increasing

More than half(53.5%) are in satellite utilization

05 Space Investment Status

Since 2014, the amount of investment has increased significantly compared to the previous year due to a surge in facility investment costs

Facility investment accounted for the largest portion of the detailed investment sector