KASP 사단법인 한국우주기술진흥협회 Korea Association for Space Teachnology Promotion

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Policy Research

We are carrying out government policy proposals for the development of space technology and space industry and commissioning of related government.

Industrial Development Policy

Industrial Development Policy
Research Title Research Period
Space environment test support 2020.04 -
Space parts localization study 2019.03 -
Policy research for revitalizing the spatial industry private participation 2020.09 - 2021.03
Space Korea Forum 2020.04 - 2021.01
Developing an Innovation Network in Jinju Special Zone in Gyeongnam 2020.05 - 2020.12
An Analysis for Enterprise Technology in the Space Industry 2019.03 - 2019.12
A Study on the Promotion Strategy for the Establishment of Space Launch Vehicle Policy 2017.07 - 2017.09
A Study on satellite information Industry 2016.08 - 2016.12
Promoting satellite information utilization performance 2016.07 - 2016.12
A Study on the Continuity of the Project to Expand the Participation in the Korean Projectile Development Project 2016.08 - 2016.11
Study for rhe introduction of quality assurance systems for space product 2015.11 - 2016.06
A Study on the Policy Plan for Spinoff Activation of Space Technology 2015.07 - 2015.12
A Study on Policy Support for the Development of the National Space Industry 2014.11 - 2015.05


Research Title Research Period
Support for exports of small and medium-sized enterprises in the space industry to boost exports 2016.07 - 2019.11
A Study on the International Cooperation for export space industry 2018.05 - 2018.11
Operations for space technology export catalyst for space technology export 2017.07 - 2017.11
A Study on the strategic cooperation of Korea satellite industry 2015.12 - 2016.06
Space Products Export Roadmap 2014.08 - 2014.12

Actual condition Survey

Actual condition Survey
Research Title Research Period
Research on the actual condition for space industry 2015.05 -

Technology Development

Technology Development
Research Title Research Period
Study on space-part test facility activation plan 2016.09 - 2019.12
A Study on the Structures for domesticization Complex satellite parts 2017.07 - 2018.03

Manpower Training

Manpower Training
Research Title Research Period
Space Technology Training 2018.06 -
Space Industry manpower job education demand survey 2015.07 - 2020.06